Mission Until Dawn - Winners of The 8th Hong Kong Volunteer Award - Volunteer Group


Mission Until Dawn (MUD) was established in 2015, with 27 committee members. With the belief of “To serve, not to be served”, MUD started the volunteering journey. They realized that “play” is a vital element for child development, of which the kids in developing countries are in lack. With the profession knowledge of physiotherapy and engineering, MUD visited various oversea sites and designed their Safe, Therapeutic and Enjoyable Playground (STEP) for the children. They organized service trip and recruited students from different universities to construct the playground. By utilizing basic and raw materials, together with their toil and sweat, the team turned an empty land into the biggest therapeutic playground in the community, bringing joy and hope to the kids.


Apart from playground construction in overseas, MUD realized that the problem of internet addiction among children in Hong Kong become increasingly alarming. This will hinder the physical, mental and social development of children. To address the problem, MUD started the project “Hand Made Playground” (HMP) in Hong Kong in 2018, by recycling and transforming different eco-friendly materials into therapeutic playground facilities. With the collaboration of different organizations including Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HMP has successfully promoted the development of children in physical aspects, encouraged children to reduce reliance on internet and gaming, and promoted children’s right to play. The work of MUD has brought immense impact to children by introducing “play” into their lives. On the other hand, MUD also empowered the youth in Hong Kong to create their own playgrounds for kids and raised their attention on the physical and mental needs of children. MUD believes that a rewarding future always hangs on the sacrifice you have made today. Volunteering reflects the meaning of life and how meaningful life influences others. The spirit of MUD is like a single spark, which can start a prairie fire.